
Open Care Community hopes to welcome many of the patients we knew from Brooklyn Open Acupuncture. We’ve missed you! Losing BOA was a huge loss for all of us. We will always be grateful to Liz and Rebecca for the community they created, the lessons we learned at BOA about compassionate care and their continued guidance as we launch this new clinic. It is our most sincere hope that we can pick up where BOA left off.

We know our rates are higher, and we hope you understand why these changes were necessary for the longevity of the clinic. We are in a new space with much higher rent. We can not treat as many patients per hour due to Covid limitations. Every appointment comes with 50% more time with your acupuncturist. We are also giving our acupuncturists a significant raise, to reflect their experience and the cost of living in New York City.

We are doing our best to carve out a treatment space for New Yorkers of all incomes. We launched a GoFundMe to support $20 appointments - with your help, we can provide twenty $20 appointments each week.

We understand that these price increases may make acupuncture more of a stretch for some patients. New York City is far too expensive, and too many people are struggling. We are doing our best to balance the needs of our patients with the needs of our staff and the clinic’s longevity. Our healthcare system is broken and unequal. We are one small business trying to address some of those inequities in our corner of Brooklyn. We really appreciate you coming back and participating in this community healing project.